's been over a year!
This is her most recent face - no idea what it meansDon't worry, I will not go into detail about the last year of our lives.
But I should highlight one thing before I talk about this last weekend...Lilly was born. HA HA. I feel silly writing that, it was nearly 10 months ago! :)
But she was, and here she is now..
Talk about a chunker! :) Nearly every outfit that you see her in is 18 months, with the occassional 24 months! :) Isn't that nuts? The great thing about this though, is that she can fit into all of Emma's summer clothes from last year. Who cares that when Emma was in those clothes she was 20 months, not 10! :)
So this last week was Easter! What a fantastic weekend it was. We missed our church family, and close friends this year. We weren't able to spend this weekend with them. However, we are thankfully that our location did not determine the attitude in which we celebrated!
We actually went to Louisiana for an Easter Excursion with some of our International friends. It was awesome! There were 21 of us total! 2 sweet guys, Tony and Yin, rode there with Will, the girls, and I - unfortunately for us all, Lilly hated the drive. oops. Hope they aren't scarred for life now. (However, I may be!)
This weekend was spent telling the international friends what Easter is all about. They got to get into smaller groups with other students and listen to different stories. Then they went to a museum, learned some Louisiana heritage and do a little dancing! They were thrilled to learn a new move or 2. Later that night, we had a crawfish boil (none of them had experienced this before) and there was a great band there, playing some traditional Louisianan (?) music, so they got to practice their new skills again!
Everytime I post I would like to leave you with an "Emma quote" of that day. This time, I will give you one that I remember from this weekend. ... As we were getting ready to head out for Louisiana (10 hrs in the car) I was explaining to Emma that it was going to be a long ride. She told me that she was going to go potty real fast before we go see Louisiana. Then she told me that she was so excited to go see Louisiana's rug??? ha ha. Weird, I know. Once we got to the hotel, she said that she needed to go play in the living room, cause it was too small and none of Louisiana's toys were in that room.
Here she is trying her first crawfish, ever! Thankfully our sweet friend peeled it for her...
what a cool experience. love me so crawfish and zydeco!
welcome back to the blogging world! isn't what we do just such an adventure? love it!
Jenn - zydeco, that's what it is!!! :) I couldn't think of the name. :) And yes, the Asian students LOVED IT! I miss you!
Katey - I do love it!! :) and yes it's an adventure :)
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